Our Cleaning Process

  1. Uncover Customer Needs

When you invite Certified Sani-Clean Systems to care for your environment, we begin a systematic protocol to access the site with a Risk Review Survey. This process determines the needs to properly address the location as different spaces have different needs. For example, a residential house would assume different procedure than a warehouse, school or restaurant. By understanding the conditions, we can plan for the most appropriate solutions.


3. Determine Effective Product Concentration

Similarly, the disinfectants may also require various degrees of concentration for the level of microorganisms killed and the dwell times may differ for proper efficacy. There are differences between Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Sterilizing. Our trained technicians understand these requirements and differences; they shall take proper precaution using appropriate PPE and confirm effectiveness by ATP testing, when appropriate.

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2. Establish Required Equipment

The equipment may be different to cover and protect various situations. Areas which are large open spaces, like warehouses or stadiums, require different equipment to provide the necessary coverage. Additionally, electrostatic sprayers provide a superior coverage of surfaces, but the charged particles are not appropriate for certain equipment.

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4. Document & Record Process

Additionally, we shall document this process in order to record and maintain the environment to keep it as safe and healthy as possible.

Cleaning Options





Sani-Clean Systems

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